Family Time: Things to do in May

All work and no play makes drivers go CRAZY! There is always an abundance of things to do while your in for your days off, but making sure that you get in some quality time with family and friends should be a top priority. Leave the chores behind and get out to one of these [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:06:31-05:00April 30th, 2018|Healthy Living, Truck Driver Lifestyle|0 Comments

Grab and Go Doesn’t Have to Mean Fast Food Joints

We have shared many recipes over the years to help drivers prepare wonderful, not always healthy, home cooked meals in the truck to help them find the balance in their diet. What it really boils down to is having the right appliances in the truck to cook your meals and the time to prep meals, [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:06:31-05:00April 23rd, 2018|Truck Driver Lifestyle|0 Comments

Hey Driver, You Need to Sit Up Straight

Driving for long periods of time creates a significant amount of strain and stress to the muscles in your neck, lower back and upper back. A lot of this strain can be alleviated by having proper posture while driving. Yup, that’s right, sit up straight, no slouching behind the wheel! Bad posture while driving can [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:06:32-05:00March 26th, 2018|Truck Driver Lifestyle, Trucker Health|0 Comments

What Image are You Projecting?

It’s kind of funny to think about, but image in the trucking industry is very important. In the grand scheme of things, considering all the tasks and responsibilities that fall upon a professional truck driver, you would think that image is the last thing that would be important while hauling freight down the road. Image, [...]

7 Habits of Successful Company Drivers

Being a company driver can be a rewarding and successful career without the additional headaches and stressors of becoming an Owner Operator. Over the years we have worked with many drivers who have chosen life on the road as a company driver. Successful, professional company drivers all have some key traits in common. #1 They [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:06:33-05:00March 14th, 2018|Truck Driver Lifestyle|0 Comments

Three Tips for a Long, Healthy Trucking Marriage

Being the spouse of an over the road truck driver sure puts a new spin on the definition of marriage. If you’ve been married to a trucker for a long time now, you’ve probably adjusted to the lifestyle, if you’re new to the trucking industry – don’t fear – there is still room for love [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:06:34-05:00February 12th, 2018|Truck Driver Lifestyle, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Family Time: Things to do in February

As drivers, it can be easy to come in from a trip and just veg out. We get that. Life on the road is not easy. While recuperating is necessary, and important, it is just as important to keep the ties and connections with friends and family. Next time you're in, forget about hosting a [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:06:34-05:00January 29th, 2018|Truck Driver Lifestyle|0 Comments

Microwave Meatloaf

Need a super quick lunch or dinner idea for the truck? Try out this Microwave Meatloaf recipe. This untraditional cooking method gives truckers a traditional flavour with reduced cook times and hardly any cleanup. INGREDIENTS 2 tablespoons 2% milk 1 tablespoon ketchup 2 tablespoons quick-cooking oats 1 teaspoon onion soup mix 1/4 pound lean ground [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:06:35-05:00January 8th, 2018|Recipes, Truck Driver Lifestyle|0 Comments

Microwave French Toast in a Mug

Start your day off right with a quick and easy, slightly altered, home cooked meal you can make right in the microwave. This french toast will have the same great taste, even if it's cooked slightly different than you would at home. INGREDIENTS 1 tablespoon butter 1/4 cup milk 1 egg, beaten 1/4 teaspoon ground [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:06:41-05:00November 6th, 2017|Recipes, Truck Driver Lifestyle|0 Comments
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