Trucking News to begin 2021
It's a new year and there's plenty going on in trucking. We’ll keep you up to date on the important things happening around the trucking industry.
It's a new year and there's plenty going on in trucking. We’ll keep you up to date on the important things happening around the trucking industry.
You might have missed some important industry news while going down the road. Here are some trucking news that we think you might want to catch up on.
Good things will come to you when you develop good habits that allow you to prepare for the challenges on the road. Here are some good habits to that will make your like easier, and safer, during those cold wintery months.
It's busy times in trucking. Yeah, it’s always is pretty hectic. But with the recent Hos changes, the beginning of winter, and a surge in Coronavirus - it just feels a little more hectic this year.
It's important drivers are prepared. Inclement weather can easily shut you down in an area without services for truckers. Severe storms can strand you without services for days.
For the good of our collegues and to reduce the strain on our health care system, we encourage our drivers to get vaccinated and get the seasonal flu shot.
Earlier this year we became Safe Work Certified through Safe Work Manitoba and RPM Trucking Industry Safety. We were the 25th trucking company in Manitoba to achieve this certification.
Many consider the profession of a truck driver to be more of a lifestyle. Your first year on the road as a truck driver will be one of the hardest, as trucking success is all about experience.
Trucking is fast-paced and ever-changing. There are and will be, opportunities for creative people to solve problems and to innovate. The world fell apart and trucking is a great place to be as it gets put back together.
The FMCSA has released its final rule to the hours of service. The proposed changes do a good job to give drivers the flexibility to manage their work while keeping safety a top priority.