So long 2020! A look back at the past year in trucking

I don't know about you but the past year felt like a decade to me. While 2021 looks like it'll be better, let's take a look at some of the things that happened in trucking.

Delicious Turkey Casserole

With Christmas quickly making its way, your home will soon be full of turkey leftovers. While turkey is delicious, spending the following days eating plain old turkey can get boring. With this Turkey Casserole recipe, you can make sure that turkey doesn't go to waste while adding a little spice to your meal! INGREDIENTS 2/3 [...]

By |2020-12-19T13:07:10-06:00December 21st, 2020|Recipes|0 Comments

What’s happening in trucking – trucking news

You might have missed some important industry news while going down the road. Here are some trucking news that we think you might want to catch up on.

How to Stick to your New Year’s Resolution

We all know the saying, "new year, new you," but that might be a bit excessive. If you're wanting to practice the age-old tradition of making a New Year's resolution, good on you! But don't think of it as changing your whole identity. Think of it as merely giving yourself an upgrade. It's easy to [...]

By |2020-12-15T13:01:56-06:00December 14th, 2020|Truck Driver Lifestyle|0 Comments

Family Time: Things to do in December

There’s no denying that this Christmas will be . . . different. But that doesn’t mean that the holiday cheer has to end! With these wintery and Christmassy family activities, even the Grinchiest of Scrooges can get into the holiday spirit. Christmas Photoshoot While you may not be able to hire a photographer for some [...]

By |2020-11-29T11:25:22-06:00November 30th, 2020|Truck Driver Lifestyle|0 Comments
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