Movember is here! That wonderful time of year when men hide the razors and let their facial hair grow wild, well that is if you are manly enough to grow anything besides some peach fuzz. Oh, calm down, we’re just kidding around.

Movember is actually less about growing moustaches and more about raising awareness for men’s health. Gasp . . . men aren’t supposed to suffer in silence or let ailments go untreated . . . and that is what Movember is really all about.

Focusing on Men’s Health

Did you know that men die an average of six years younger than women? And no, it’s not because they want to, it’s because a lot of men just simply refuse to visit a doctor on a regular basis or ignore systems of illness altogether Guess what guys, that doesn’t make you a manly man – it just means you don’t live as long.

The Movember Foundation has dedicated itself to raising awareness about men’s health and we’re here to help pass on the information they’ve put together. Here are the top five things to know, and do,

#1 Make Man Time

Staying connected with friends is important for your health. Catch up regularly, check in and make time for your friends as way to destress and unwind. Spending time with friends often allows us to get away from the reality and stress of everyday life. It resets the brain and helps us carry on.

#2 Have Open Conversations

Learn how to have open and honest communication with your friends. This means listening as well talking. You don’t need to be an expect and if you’re not a natural, that’s okay, sometimes just being there for someone is all that is really needed.

#3 Move More

Exercise is good for the overall health of your mind and body. Even just getting out for a walk to tossing the ball with the kids, or even the guys, can have monstrous medicinal benefits for your mood, energy levels, fitness levels, and more.

#4 Know the Numbers

First step here is to not dismiss medical visits. If something isn’t quite right, make an appointment. When you turn 50 it’s time to talk to your doctor about prostate cancer and PSA testing. If you have a brother or father who has or has had prostate cancer, you should have testing done at 45.

If detected early enough, prostate cancer has a 98% survival rate; if left undetected the stats drop to 26%. Why risk it?

#5 Know Thy Nuts

Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in young Canadian men aged 15 to 29. Testicular cancer is a highly treatable cancer and can be effectively treated, and often cured, if diagnosed and treated early.


This year, we challenge all of you to participate in Movember. You don’t have to grow a mustache, but you can help share the information and spread awareness about men’s health. Learn more at Movember Canada