Trucking Industry News Roundup

Staying up to date with what's happening in the trucking industry makes the job easier. Here are some articles from the past couple of weeks that you should check out. Texting and driving: A case for greater punishment - Experts suggest that both punishment and education are needed to reduce dangers of distracted driving – but [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:06:28-05:00June 22nd, 2018|Announcements|0 Comments

Get Ready for Safe Driver Week

Operation Safe Driver Week, an annual enforcement blitz by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, is set this year for July 15-21. During the weeklong blitz, enforcers will focus on traffic violations, seat belt enforcement, driver roadside inspections and driver regulatory compliance. Driving behaviors that will be targeted during the week include: speeding distracted driving texting failure [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:06:29-05:00June 20th, 2018|Announcements, Trucker Safety|0 Comments

5 Reasons Why You Can’t Find a Trucking Job?

We do an awful lot of writing about how to get a job in the trucking industry and how, now especially, the demand for professional drivers is higher than we have seen in over a decade. And yet, there seem to many drivers out there that just can’t seem to get on with a company. [...]

Surviving the Capacity Crunch as a Truck Driver

We're just about halfway through one of the busiest years the trucking industry has seen in over a decade. With the busiest months still ahead of us, and freight volumes continuing to rise, there doesn't seem to be an end in sight. There is a lot of information out there on the capacity crunch and how trucking [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:06:30-05:00June 4th, 2018|Healthy Living|0 Comments

Three Major Things to Consider Before Becoming an Owner Operator

As a company driver, you know that you have the education and the skills to get the job done, but being an Owner Operator is a whole new ballgame. Before you set your sights on purchasing your own truck, you should undergo a personal assessment that honestly looks at and considers your personality, work ethics [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:06:30-05:00May 30th, 2018|Winnipeg Owner Operators|0 Comments

Becoming a Professional Truck Driver Provides Tons of Opportunities

The trucking industry is on fire; absolutely booming with freight and opportunities for those seeking exciting new careers. The current economic times has us smack dab in the middle of a strong U.S. economy, a capacity crunch (meaning there is more freight than drivers and trucks to move it) and a present driver shortage. If [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:06:30-05:00May 23rd, 2018|Winnipeg Trucking Jobs|0 Comments

Now Hiring Company Drivers

Len Dubois Trucking is always looking for professional drivers to join our growing Winnipeg team. We pride ourselves on the close working relationships we have with our driving team and our commitment to providing a healthy work/home balance. After all most of our management team have been over the road, long haul drivers, or have [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:06:30-05:00May 16th, 2018|Winnipeg Trucking Jobs|0 Comments

Crock Pot Spaghetti and Meatballs

Discover meals for truck drivers with Len Dubois Trucking of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Making your favourite homemade meals in the truck is quick and easy, and it sure saves drivers a lot of money. Try this easy to make spaghetti and meatballs recipe, perfect for the crock pot and in truck cooking. This recipe also freezes [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:06:31-05:00May 7th, 2018|Recipes|0 Comments
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