Debunking Trucking Myths
Don’t believe everything you hear. Between misconceptions and, well, the bad apples out there, the trucking industry can have a less than ideal reputation but the perception of trucking has recently received a boost
Don’t believe everything you hear. Between misconceptions and, well, the bad apples out there, the trucking industry can have a less than ideal reputation but the perception of trucking has recently received a boost
We have a lot of expertise at Len Dubois Trucking. We try to share that experience to help others in the industry.
CVSA's International Roadcheck was postponed in May due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It's back on from September 9 -11, 2020.
Cheese, pasta, and easy to make. Is there any better kind of meal? This Cheesy Pasta recipe will hit the spot after a busy day. Just cook it at home, heat it up in the truck and you're good to good. INGREDIENTS 225g (1/2 box) medium shell dry pasta 2 cups vegetable broth, warm but [...]
Between the pandemic, new HOS rules, safety blitz's, and the usual things happening in the trucking industry - it can be hard to keep up with it all.
It's hard to imagine trucking before mobile devices. Remember plotting your route with a truckers atlas? Using payphones and calling cards?
Brake Safety Week 2020 is part of the larger safety campaign - CVSA’s Operation Airbrake Program - which will hold two blitz's.
Whether you agree with mask-wearing or not, it's been a reality for truckers since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic began.
As drivers, we have limited time at home and it's important to make the most of it. In today's COVID world a lot of events have been cancelled and many of the places and venues we usually enjoy are closed or open at limited capacity.
Tacos with slow-cooked pork is an amazing meal you can make fresh in your truck. A small slow cooker is a great investment if you don't have one. It allows you to coom fresh without having to freeze a pre-cooked meal.