It’s important to make sure that you are healthy physically and mentally – especially for truck drivers. It is far too easy for drivers to put their health on the sideline; to get stuck in bad habits that harm your body and mind.

Here are some ways you can put your health back on top and feel like a million bucks!

Eat Healthy

Eating healthy sounds impossible. Truckers have busy schedules, live in a cramped space, and are always on the go. But eating healthy while on the Road is a lot simpler than it sounds.

By eating fewer processed foods and more vegetables and fruits, you’ll lose weight, boost your immune system, and get a better night of sleep.

Also, if you reduce the amount of meals you’re grabbing from fast food joints or truck stops, you’ll see and feel a difference. With a few simple kitchen appliances like a microwave, lunch box stove, or a crockpot, you can make a variety of home-cooked meals right in the truck! Visit our blog, Cooking Equipment to Make Your Life Easier, for a list of kitchen appliances you should start bringing on the Road with you.

Another way to eat healthy is to pay attention to what you are snacking on. Snacking is actually good for you . . . depending on what you’re consuming, however. Check out the below blogs for healthy yet tasty snacks to munch on.

29 Healthy Snacks That Can Help You Lose Weight

Healthy Snacks for Adults

Drink Lots of Water

Eating healthy and staying hydrated go hand in hand. Drinking water every day is essential to good health. Water can help regulate your body temperature, lubricate and cushion joints, protect sensitive tissues, and many other great things. Drinking water is also much better for you than consuming large quantities of pop or even sugar-filled juice. If you are only going to commit to one diet change, think about adding more water to your day.

For more information on why staying hydrated is important to good health and how to stay hydrated, visit the blogs below.

Water: How much should you drink every day?

Water and Healthier Drinks

Get some Sleep

Probably one of the hardest things to achieve when striving for a healthier lifestyle is getting the proper amount of sleep – namely getting enough of it. If you struggle with sleep, you are far from alone.

The Government of Canada release this information, Are Canadian Adults getting Enough Sleep in 2019. The numbers show that 1 in 4 adults aged 18-34, 1 in 3 adults aged 35-64, and 1 in 4 adults aged 65-79 are not getting enough sleep.

As for the quality of sleep, it shows that 1 in 2 adults have trouble going to sleep or staying asleep, 1 in 5 adults do not find their sleep refreshing, and 1 in 3 adults have difficulty staying awake during waking hours. For more information on this study, please visit the Government of Canada’s website.

But why is sleep so important to being and feeling healthy? Sleep plays an important role in memory and learning, focus and alertness; all very important to life on the road.

More importantly than getting enough sleep is making sure you get a good quality sleep, which can be difficult in the truck. If you are a light sleeper, truck stop noise is bound to wake you. Try using earplugs to block out the noise; a white noise machine can also help some.

For more information on sleep and tips on getting a good sleep quality, visit the blog below.

5 Ways Truck Drivers Can Sleep Better

Sleep tips: 6 steps to better sleep

10 Reasons Why Good Sleep Is Important

Staying Connected with Loved Ones

Staying connected with your family (and spending some quality time) doesn’t have to be hard, but it does need to be planned. Whether you are just phoning in for the night, which you should do daily, or coming in for some home time, spending time with family and friends is important for your health. Truck drivers lead solitary lives out on the Road, making it more important to stay connected with loved ones while you are away.

Visit the blogs below for tips on how to stay connected and how to have a good work/family balance.

How Truck Drivers Can Stay Connected To Their Families

Have You Seen These 4 Apps to Stay Connected with Your Trucker

Advice for Balancing Family Life and your Truck Driving Schedule

5 Parenting Tips for Truck Drivers

Include Exercise in your Schedule

It can be hard to make room in your already busy schedule for exercise, but it is worth it! Exercise can help you control your weight, reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes, strengthen your bones and muscles, increase sleep quality, reduce stress and even brighten your mood.

It sounds impossible including a workout in your trucking life, but with some effort and time management, it’s a piece of cake . . . or should we say kale? Even adding a brief 30-minute walk to your daily routine can do wonders for your health.

For more information on the importance of exercise and tips on trucker exercises, visit the blog below.

Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity

The Top 10 Benefits of Regular Exercise

5 ways to Exercise While on the Road

What are Easy Trucker Exercises?

6 Easy Exercises for Truckers

The Top Exercises for Truck Drivers

More Ways to Stay Healthy

These are just a few ways for truck drivers to stay healthy while on the road. But the truth of the matter is, you’re human. Ways for you to feel healthy physically and mentally are ever-changing and diverse. For more information on ways to stay healthy and find the right way to be healthy for you, visit these blogs.

Healthy Habits for Over-The-Road Truck Drivers

10 ways for Truck Drivers to Stay Healthy While on the Road

How Truckers Can Protect their Mental Health

Physical and Mental Health Tips for Professional Truck Drivers