Understanding Your Trip – Trip Planning is More Than Just Knowing the Mileage

In this example, the failure at the end of the trip is a direct result of the very beginning of the trip. He needed an earlier start. An hour to hour and a half late start in Winnipeg two days earlier affected the last mile 2000 miles away.

Great Reads for Rookie Drivers

We have written a lot about trucking over the years; focusing on safety and helping drivers develop and hone their skills so that they can have a successful career. Whether you are a rookie driver, just starting out over the road, or have been driving for years, there is always something to learn or brush [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:06:29-05:00June 15th, 2018|How To and Tips, Winnipeg Truck Driving|0 Comments

5 Reasons Why You Can’t Find a Trucking Job?

We do an awful lot of writing about how to get a job in the trucking industry and how, now especially, the demand for professional drivers is higher than we have seen in over a decade. And yet, there seem to many drivers out there that just can’t seem to get on with a company. [...]

New to Trucking? We’ve got Some Helpful Tips!

Every day, hundreds of new truckers hit the highways to start their new careers. It's wonderful and freeing yet daunting and so very different than anything you experienced in driving school. Don't worry, every new driver goes through this. It takes thousands of miles before you'll even begin to feel comfortable out there on your [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:06:31-05:00May 2nd, 2018|How To and Tips, Winnipeg Truck Driving|0 Comments

What’s Happening in Trucking – Trucking News Round Up

Trucking is never boring. We keep our ear to the ground as the industry improves and adapts to changes. We’re sharing trucking news we found interesting and think you will too.

Having too Much Confidence May Be Your Downfall

Confidence is an essential quality for truck drivers to possess. Could you imagine carrying down the road for years on the shaky knees you had when you were a rookie? No, probably not. Finding your confidence on the road as a truck driver is discovering your ability to succeed in this industry, to drive safely [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:06:32-05:00March 28th, 2018|Trucker to Trucker, Winnipeg Truck Driving|0 Comments

What Image are You Projecting?

It’s kind of funny to think about, but image in the trucking industry is very important. In the grand scheme of things, considering all the tasks and responsibilities that fall upon a professional truck driver, you would think that image is the last thing that would be important while hauling freight down the road. Image, [...]

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