Roadcheck is over for another year but it is important for truck drivers to continue with safety and compliance practices every day. The training that goes into each of the CVSA’s Roadchecks is vital information for truck drivers that not only keep you safe but keep others who share the roadways with you safe.
At Len Dubois Trucking, we pay a lot of attention to safety. Here are some useful articles that you can check out to help you develop safe driving practices year round.
Summer Trucking Tips You Can’t Ignore
Summer brings its own set of challenges for truckers. Severe weather, construction, increases in traffic, odd traffic patterns and heat to name a few. It’s important to be aware how the seasons affect our job . . . read more
CVSA Roadcheck 2017 Focuses on Cargo Securement
While checking for compliance with safe cargo securement regulations is always part of roadside inspections, CVSA is highlighting cargo securement safety this year as a reminder of its importance to highway safety . . . read more
Pre-Trip Inspection: The Walk Around
You can begin your pre-trip as you approach your vehicle. Look for any obvious problems; fluid on the ground, any damage to the body, a slight lean indicating a flat tire or suspension problem . . . read more
Pre-Trip Inspection: Under the Hood
By completing a pre-trip you can avoid unnecessary breakdowns on the road, which come with hefty tow and roadside assistance fees. There are many things truck drivers have to inspect during the pre-trip inspection but today we’re focusing on what to look for under the hood . . . read more
Proper Trip Planning is More Important than Ever
Preparation is why truck drivers are professionals and the safest drivers on the road. Every trip should start with a plan and every day should begin with a plan. Proper trip planning saves a lot of headaches and is the difference between a smooth, profitable load and a nightmare . . . read more