As the song goes, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year”, but some of us may not be feeling that right about now. Being a trucker during the holidays can certainly take its toll on you and your family.

Overall, this is the busiest season of the year in trucking, in family gatherings, in the amount of extra “work” that needs to be done getting ready for the big day.

We’ve talked with a lot of truckers over the years, and the one thing that remains constant is the stress that builds in December. This stress can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety and even resentment towards the people we are so desperate to be with for the holidays.

Why is this Day so Important?

Ask yourself, what is it that you love about the holidays. Be specific, don’t just blanket your answer by saying “spending time with family” because in a trucking family – that is important 24/7.

A lot of what makes December 25th so important are the traditions and rituals that we have created or have been conditioned to enjoy.

Is it decorating the tree with your family? Perhaps it’s enjoying a glass of eggnog with your best friend. Or seeing the look on your kids faces Christmas morning. It is essential for you to know what makes this day so important so that you can ensure you don’t miss out on what makes the holiday for you.

We’ve compiled a list of tips from our driving fleet and their families on the Do’s and Don’ts of the Holiday Season for trucking families. We hope that this will help give you some ideas on how to have a happy holiday season and relieve some of the stress that is bound to creep into your lives this December.

  • Start getting ready for the season early.
  • Don’t leave Christmas planning to the last minute
  • Make time for special events and activities when your trucker is home.
  • Don’t lay a guilt trip on your trucker if they are not or cannot be home as expected. Many things beyond the control of your trucker can happen on the road, and you can’t blame them for that.
  • Realize that there may be little your trucker can do to free up his schedule. Remember he is at the mercy of high freight volumes, tight deadlines and dispatch.
  • Do not think, even for a minute, that your trucker doesn’t want to be home more during this holiday season.
  • Make a list of the most important traditions and rituals that should only happen when everyone is together.
  • Don’t plan on completing these traditions and rituals without your trucker.
  • Realize that truckers aren’t the only ones stressed out this time of year. Spouses’ of truckers, especially, have a lot of extra work to do to pull off the magic of Christmas.
  • Don’t overcommit; stay focused on the most important parts of your holiday celebration.
  • Adjust your expectations. Many drivers have a Christmas Day Guarantee, and they will be home on the 25th, but may not arrive until the 24th or may leave on the 26th.
  •  Don’t get angry with your trucker when they just can’t be home more.
  • Use the technology available to you to include your trucker in holiday events and activities. Having your trucker join your family dinner via Skype may not be traditional, but it is the best way to keep them included.
  •  Don’t ignore your trucker’s needs and feelings when it comes to these types of events. They may try writing it off as nothing, but it is important to include them as much as possible.

The holiday season can only be as good as you decide it will be. Trucking families need to learn to make adjustments for truckers this time of year, but when you do you can guarantee that your Christmas will be Merry and Bright!

Happy Holidays