Trucking News for January

It's a new year but it feels like so much has happened already in 2022! I don't think that is unusual for this fast-paced industry. Let's take a look at some news that caught our eye but you might have missed.

Family Time: Things to do in November

Are you ready for some good old-fashioned family fun? Check out these things to do in November for some great ideas for your next outing! Winter Adaptations Guided Hikes Location: Birds Hill Provincial Park Dates: November 13 & 14 Winter is coming! These words bring a shiver to most people as we brace for cold [...]

By |2021-10-25T15:03:02-05:00October 25th, 2021|Truck Driver Lifestyle|0 Comments

Expanding our Fleet with Owner Operators

Expanding our Fleet with Owner Operators: Run your Business Like a Pro with Len Dubois As an Owner Operator, we know and understand the struggle when it comes to finding a company that will help build your business and maximize your earning potential. But for over 30 years, Len Dubois Trucking has been committed to [...]

By |2021-10-21T13:46:39-05:00October 22nd, 2021|Winnipeg Owner Operators, Winnipeg Trucking Jobs|0 Comments

Canada Only Owner Operators

We are growing and have opportunities for Canadian-Only Owner-Operators. These lanes are Canadian runs that go from coast to coast. Typical runs last 10 -12 days providing owner-operators with an average of over 10,000 miles per month.

Bye-Bye Stress, Hello Time Management!

Bye-Bye Stress, Hello Time Management! Find out how You can Achieve a Less Stress-filled Run Ah, stress. This is one emotion that truckers are very familiar with. Stress is just part of the job in trucking, from tight schedules, pressure from shippers and receivers, maintaining safety (for yourself and others) to environmental stressors like traffic, [...]

Driving Through Fog

Driving Through Fog isn't Fun, but it can be Done You will almost certainly run into a few hazardous situations during your trucking career – specifically with Mother Nature. One of these situations is fog, which obviously makes the very visual job of driving difficult and unsafe. But sometimes, it just can’t be avoided. Check [...]

By |2021-09-23T15:41:26-05:00September 15th, 2021|How To and Tips, Trucker Safety|0 Comments

National Trucking Week – Thank You Drivers & Owner Operators

We extend our thank you to our drivers and owner operators for your hard work, dedication, and sacrifices  to get the job done safely. This year has been extra challenging for the trucking industry and have kept store selves stocked through challenging conditions.

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