Len Dubois Trucking Winnipeg Manitoba2023-01-21T20:06:29-06:00

Welcome to Len Dubois Trucking

Image of a Len Dubois trucking truck with title "Company Driver Careers"

Join the Len Dubois Trucking team today! Enjoy running regular lanes to regular long-time customers and a great work-life balance.

Image of a blue Len Dubois Trucking owner-operator truck with title "Company Driver Careers"

Partner with Len Dubois Trucking to maximize your earnings and grow your business. Join our growing fleet today!

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Len Dubois Trucking offers more than just trucking services. Get a quote for your local, national and international shipping today and put us to work for you.

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Quickly and easily find information about your shipment online. MyDubois is designed to save you time when you need the status of your shipment.

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Bad Habits to Avoid

June 16th, 2021|How To and Tips, Trucker Safety, Winnipeg Owner Operators, Winnipeg Trucking Jobs|

Usually, our bad are seemingly small actions taken or not taken. These are little compromises we make, usually when we are on a tight schedule or behind schedule. But small compromises on the following five things can cause plenty of trouble down the road.

Keep Snacking on! Try out These Healthy Snack Options

June 7th, 2021|Healthy Living, Recipes, Truck Driver Lifestyle|

Snacking is actually good for you. Depending on what you're snacking on, that is. Snacking can help you get important nutrients, keep you energized and satisfy your hunger between meals. Many of the items we’ll [...]

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