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Why are Overconfident Drivers Dangerous?
Whether it’s thinking you know your route like the back of your hand or that you have mastered it all, that nothing can trip you up is unrealistic and dangerous.
Bad Habits to Avoid
Usually, our bad are seemingly small actions taken or not taken. These are little compromises we make, usually when we are on a tight schedule or behind schedule. But small compromises on the following five things can cause plenty of trouble down the road.
What to Expect During Your First Year of Driving
We have some advice on how your first year can be productive and educational and how you can get the most out of this important year.
Keep Snacking on! Try out These Healthy Snack Options
Snacking is actually good for you. Depending on what you're snacking on, that is. Snacking can help you get important nutrients, keep you energized and satisfy your hunger between meals. Many of the items we’ll [...]