3 Myths Some Truckers Believe

Myths that some of us in trucking believe have unfortunate consequences and achieve the exact opposite of what we’d like to happen. Some trucking myths will cost money when we act on unfounded beliefs. Some misconceptions lead to significant safety hazards.

Appliances for Truckers to Save Money

Life on the road can also lead to poor health choices. Eating fast food or truck stop food every day will add inches to your waistline and put you at risk for diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions.

Be at Your Full Owner Operator Potential with Us

The Len Dubois Trucking is constantly growing and has been for over 30 years! If you are an Owner Operator, now is your chance to become part of our family; now is your time to shine; now is your time to make the most out of your career with us. Our experienced operations and dispatch [...]

Bad Habits to Avoid

Usually, our bad are seemingly small actions taken or not taken. These are little compromises we make, usually when we are on a tight schedule or behind schedule. But small compromises on the following five things can cause plenty of trouble down the road.

Mountain Driving Tips

It’s easy to have a love-hate relationship with mountain driving. Most drivers love the beautiful scenery and the change from driving on a flat highway that looks the same mile after mile. It’s also kind of nice to hit flat topography after several straight days in the mountains.

What’s Happening in Trucking

Is been super busy in these parts but we've still been able to keep up with some important trucking news. Let's see what you might have missed in recent industry news.

A Few Things They Don’t Teach in Trucking School

To be honest, most of the skills truck drivers learn is learned on the job. That first year as a truck driver is tough as you really find out quickly how much more there is to being a truck driver other than driving.

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