Photo Challenge – Halloween

Halloween is a fun time. The kiddies get all dressed up with their imagination running wild. The lights, colour, and unique subject matter also provides some great photo opportunities. Let's see some Halloween photos. Send them in to LenDuboisTrucking and we'll share 'em so others can enjoy 'em. Happy Shooting!

By |2020-04-26T15:08:19-05:00October 16th, 2013|Winnipeg Truck Driving|0 Comments

Why Your Husband Should Drive for Len Dubois Trucking

Submitted by Cindy Derricks I’ll be brief. Your husband should work for Len Dubois Trucking simply because they are the best trucking company in Winnipeg. Okay, so that was the short answer. If you don’t believe me then here’s the long winded explanation. Nearly 13 years ago Jeremy passed his test and came home with [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:08:20-05:00September 30th, 2013|Trucker to Trucker, Winnipeg Truck Driving|0 Comments

Working with the Right Trucking Company

When you first get your Class 1 (or CDL equivalent), and start looking for your first trucking job, you will likely be searching the internet for some opinions of various trucking companies. What you'll find is a lot negativity about almost every company. Actually this scenario can play out at any point of your trucking [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:08:20-05:00September 23rd, 2013|Winnipeg Truck Driving|0 Comments

CVSA’s Operation Air Brake/Brake Safety Week September 8-14, 2013

This week is the CVSA’s Operation Air Brake/Brake Safety Week September 8-14, 2013. According to the CVSA website this week is an educational campaign to promote brake safety in North America. The activities this week will consist of: CVSA-certified inspectors conduct roadside inspections of commercial vehicles and their drivers with an emphasis on braking systems. [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:08:22-05:00September 9th, 2013|Trucking News, Winnipeg Truck Driving|0 Comments

National Trucking Week – Opportunities in Trucking

This week we celebrate National Trucking Week. The goal is to acknowledge the important contributions by the 400,000+ men & woman in the Canadian trucking industry. This is a fast moving industry with safety & regulatory challenges. The dedicated professionals in the Canadian trucking industry are amongst the worlds best & safest at what they [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:08:23-05:00September 2nd, 2013|Winnipeg Truck Driving|0 Comments
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