Put Your Career to Work For You

Do you want to drive for one of the best trucking companies in Winnipeg? Look no further. We offer a competitive pay scale, paid drops, border crossings, offer monthly incentives and subsidized health benefits. We operate late model trucks, 2011 and newer. Best of all we are committed to providing our drivers with a healthy [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:08:25-05:00July 31st, 2013|Announcements|0 Comments

Hammer Down with Len Dubois Trucking – Trip 4 Part 1 – Winnipeg Truck Driver Trip Video

Follow Len Dubois Trucking driver Jeremy Derricks, from Winnipeg, as he goes on an over-the-road trip. Learn what it takes to be in trucking and be an OTR driver. This is part 1. This trip Jeremy goes to Saskatoon, SK; Stettler, AB; Camrose, AB; Drayton Valley, AB; Edson, AB; Winkler, MB and back to Winnipeg, [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:08:26-05:00July 23rd, 2013|Driver Trip Videos|0 Comments

3 Ways to Stay Active on the Road

It’s no secret that trucker drivers lead a sedentary life. The lifestyle of an over the road truck driver demands 10 hours+ behind the wheel and if you want to do your job right, there is no way around it. Adding physical activity to your daily routine can, at first, seem like more [...]

By |2020-04-26T15:08:26-05:00July 22nd, 2013|Healthy Living|0 Comments
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