National Trucking Week

It’s National Trucking Week and there are a lot of thanks being distributed to the truckers who are out on the roads every day. Len Dubois Trucking wants to take this opportunity to thank the families of our driving fleet for everything they contribute to our team.

We know that life as a trucking family is difficult, can be stressful at times, and leads to a lot of sacrifices, after all, many of our management team and office staff have been over-the-road drivers, or come from trucking families. Because of this understanding, we make a commitment to ensure our drivers have a healthy home-work balance.

We also understand how it is simply second nature for truck driver spouses to run households by themselves; to raise children while your spouse is away; to stay connected with your trucker through phone calls, social media, and texts; to rearrange schedules, to deal with family and household tasks and chores without a traditional division of labour that couple usually have; to deal with the regular and consistent disruptions in life that are a natural part of this industry;  the list goes on, but you get our point.

Being part of a trucking family is a lot of work, we all know that. And we’d just like to say thank you to the real backbone of this industry. It is with the love an support, dedication, and abilities of a trucker’s family, that allows truckers across the country to carry out their daily tasks and make a career in this industry.