Trucking is a fast paced industry. We thought we’d share some interesting things from around the web.

TxDOT Driver Feedback


TxDOT has set up a hotline to get feed back from truck drivers on the I-30 corridor.

“Here are a few questions that TxDOT would like drivers to answer:

Are there enough truck stops?

Does I-30 need dedicated lanes for passenger vehicles and commercial vehicle traffic?

How could safety be improved on I-30?”

Hackers Show How Easily They Can Take Control of a Truck

Put down your tinfoil hats, hackers show how easy it is to take control of a truck.


New Internal Canadian Trade Deal

Manitoba trucking industry is a big winner in a new internal Canadian trade deal. “In a telephone interview with the Free Press, he [Premier Pallister] said Manitoba’s sizable trucking industry will benefit from more streamlined regulations that will save trucking firms time and money.”


Eastbound and Down

This just made us laugh a bit.