CVSA 2023 Enforcement Dates

The CVSA has announced its 2023 schedule for its major safety enforcement initiatives. These initiatives include the International Roadcheck, Operation Safe Driver Week, and Brake Safety Week.

September Trucking News

September was a busy month in trucking. We celebrated National Trucking Week, the numbers were released from the CVSA Roadcheck, and some more news about new potential ELD regulations.

Trucking News for January

It's a new year but it feels like so much has happened already in 2022! I don't think that is unusual for this fast-paced industry. Let's take a look at some news that caught our eye but you might have missed.

Bad Habits to Avoid

Usually, our bad are seemingly small actions taken or not taken. These are little compromises we make, usually when we are on a tight schedule or behind schedule. But small compromises on the following five things can cause plenty of trouble down the road.

Why truckers are safest drivers on the road

There are reasons why professional drivers can log that many miles safely. The trucking industry is more safety-focused now more than ever. The entire culture has changed to safety and compliance over the past few decades. That trend continues with trucking associations, trucking companies, and truck drivers prioritizing safety.

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