Manitoba trucking company.Spring Edition of the Western Canada Highway News

Our Maintenance Manager Alex Downey publishes a quarterly article in Western Canada Highway News magazine. Below is an excerpt from his article that was just published in the Spring Edition starting on page 72.

Safe Shops are Smart Shops

The trucking industry is a high-risk profession. We talk a lot about the risks and dangers to drivers on the road, and for good reason – commercial driving is dangerous. The industry safety record has improved and is trending in a safer direction but in Canada, there were still 36,031 commercial vehicle collisions in 2021*. And drivers are not the only professionals in trucking with high-risk jobs.

There’s no shortage of ways to harm yourself in a busy shop. Responsible companies and managers know the importance of shop safety. Safety is everyone’s responsibility and operating a safe maintenance shop means knowing the risks and adapting your safety measures to suit every job.

You will become very familiar with lots of different PPE while working in a shop environment, from your standard hi-viability coveralls and safety glasses to flame-resistant suits and full respirators depending on the job at hand.

So, what are the risks?

Click Here For the Full Article on Western Canada Highway News.

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