Brake Safety Week is scheduled for Aug. 23-29, 2020
Brake Safety Week 2020 is part of the larger safety campaign - CVSA’s Operation Airbrake Program - which will hold two blitz's.
Brake Safety Week 2020 is part of the larger safety campaign - CVSA’s Operation Airbrake Program - which will hold two blitz's.
Whether you agree with mask-wearing or not, it's been a reality for truckers since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic began.
As drivers, we have limited time at home and it's important to make the most of it. In today's COVID world a lot of events have been cancelled and many of the places and venues we usually enjoy are closed or open at limited capacity.
Tacos with slow-cooked pork is an amazing meal you can make fresh in your truck. A small slow cooker is a great investment if you don't have one. It allows you to coom fresh without having to freeze a pre-cooked meal.
As Operation Safe Driver wraps up it's important to remember that our focus on safety is more than a week-long enforcement blitz. Safety is our primary focus all the time.
The life of a truck driver can be an unhealthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally. I know this isn't groundbreaking news. It's obvious that a job can lead to unhealthy habits when it requires long hours of sitting, lots of time away from home, tight deadlines, and little access to common amenities such as a kitchen or exercise equipment.
There are reasons why professional drivers can log that many miles safely. The trucking industry is more safety-focused now more than ever. The entire culture has changed to safety and compliance over the past few decades. That trend continues with trucking associations, trucking companies, and truck drivers prioritizing safety.
We’re always in a rush. And sometimes we miss some of the little things. Then the little things add up and the next thing you know, our truck is a cluttered mess
Fuel cost is the largest expense where drivers and fleets can make a difference. Drivers and fleets can save a significant amount of fuel through some planning and good habits.
CVSA had postponed the annual International Roadcheck inspection campaign indefinitely, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, which was planned for May 5 – 7. CVSA plans to go forward with Operation Safe Driver Week and Brake Safety Week