Roadcheck May 13 – 15, 2025
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Administration (CVSA) will hold Roadcheck 2024 on May 13-15, 2025. This year, Roadcheck will focus on two priorities, HOS compliance and tire maintenance.
See all of the CVSA’s 2025 planned inspection blitzes.
Hours-of-service (HOS) regulations are in place to safeguard transportation safety by limiting driving hours and mandating adequate rest breaks to ensure commercial motor vehicle drivers have the opportunity to get the rest they need, thereby preventing crashes and incidents caused by fatigue.
To ensure compliance with HOS regulations, drivers must accurately reflect their times and duty statuses in their RODS, which is a log that a commercial motor vehicle driver must maintain to record their driving activity. Failure to record, complete or retain the log, or knowingly falsifying logs or other related reports, is not only a driver out-of-service violation, it also makes the driver and/or carrier liable to prosecution.
During the driver portion of an inspection, inspectors check the driver’s documents, license or commercial driver’s license, medical examiner’s certificate and skill performance certificate (if applicable), record of duty status, Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse status (in the U.S.), seat belt usage, and alcohol and/or drug impairment. If an inspector identifies driver out-of-service violations, they place the driver out of service, restricting that driver from operating their vehicle.
The importance of proper tire maintenance cannot be overstated. Tire failure while in transit is a hazard to all motorists. It is also far more expensive and time consuming for motor carriers to repair an in-transit tire failure versus proactively maintaining tire health and addressing tire issues before the vehicle is on the road.
During International Roadcheck, inspectors will check tires’ tread depth and proper inflation. They will also be on the lookout for tire damage, such as air leaks, tread separation, cuts, bulges, sidewall damage and improper repairs.
During the vehicle portion of the Level I Inspection, inspectors ensure the vehicle’s brake systems, cargo securement, coupling devices, driveline/driveshaft components, driver’s seat, fuel and exhaust systems, frames, lighting devices, steering mechanisms, suspensions, tires, wheels, rims, hubs, and windshield wipers are compliant with applicable regulations. Inspections of motorcoaches, passenger vans and other passenger-carrying vehicles also include the examination of emergency exits, seating, and electrical cables and systems in the engine and battery compartments.
CVSA International Roadcheck is the largest targeted enforcement program on commercial motor vehicles in the world, with nearly 15 trucks and motorcoaches inspected, on average, every minute across North America during a 72-hour period.
CVSA International Roadcheck & Trucking
CVSA’s International Roadcheck is the largest commercial motor vehicle enforcement program in the world. Every year, the CVSA conducts a large-scale, North American Wide Commercial Vehicle Safety Blitz focusing on driver safety, compliance, and education.
International Roadcheck is a high-volume, high-visibility three-day enforcement initiative that highlights the importance of commercial motor vehicle safety through roadside inspections. Over that 72-hour period, commercial motor vehicle inspectors in jurisdictions throughout North America will conduct inspections on commercial motor vehicles and drivers.
Inspectors will ensure the vehicle’s brake systems, cargo securement, coupling devices, driveline/driveshaft components, driver’s seat, exhaust systems, frames, fuel systems, lighting devices, steering mechanisms, suspensions, tires, van and open-top trailer bodies, wheels, rims, hubs, and windshield wipers are compliant with regulations. Inspections of motorcoaches, passenger vans, and other passenger-carrying vehicles also include emergency exits, electrical cables, and systems in the engine and battery compartments and seating.
Also, during an inspection, inspectors will check the driver’s operating credentials, hours-of-service documentation, seat belt usage, and for alcohol and/or drug impairment. A driver will be placed out of service if an inspector discovers driver-related out-of-service conditions.
Trucking Safety & Compliance
At Len Dubois Trucking, we expect another year of zero violations through our fleet during Roadcheck. Our goal is to always be in compliance with all regulations and to have our operations as safe as possible.
2024 Roadcheck Results
Commercial motor vehicle enforcement personnel in Canada, Mexico and the U.S. conducted 48,761 inspections during this year’s International Roadcheck, which took place May 14-16. Seventy-seven percent of commercial motor vehicles and 95.2% of commercial motor vehicle drivers did not have any out-of-service (OOS) violations.
Conversely, inspectors discovered 13,567 vehicle, 2,714 driver and 163 hazardous materials/dangerous goods (HM/DG) out-of-service violations, and placed 9,345 commercial motor vehicle combinations and 2,290 drivers out of service. The total overall vehicle out-of-service rate was 23%, and the driver out-of-service rate was 4.8%.