Our Safety Policy Provides you with Peace of Mind
At Len Dubois Trucking we comply with all Federal and Provincial safety statutes.
Our safety policy starts at home with well maintained facilities and equipment. Our on site mechanics inspect each unit before it leaves our home terminal ensuring the safety of the public and our drivers from the start of each trip. Once our drivers leave home for their destination, they have direct access to our Safety manager and our mechanics. This contact allows drivers to communicate unpredictable safety hazards that can arise on the road. In these cases safety hazards are met and dealt with on an individual basis with safety being the main concern.
We are proud of our safety record. Our drivers are trained, drive legally, follow Hours of Service Rules, and place priority on people’s safety. As a fleet, our drivers have millions of accident free miles.
Just a note from our warehouse man to say thanks. Last night, 11/12, our man loaded your driver, Al. He was the last truck of the night. As our warehouse man was heading home he ended up behind Al’s truck. As he tried to pass, Al swerved over and blocked him. This occurred 2 or 3 times. Our employee finally just pulled in behind the truck and waited. Moments later he saw the reason: there was a car headed the wrong direction in the passing lane. Your driver probably saved a life last night, at the very least he prevented a serious accident. Our warehouse man wanted him to know.
Support in Our Community
Len Dubois Trucking believes that it is important to give back to the community where we work, live and play.
In 2015 we participated in STARS Rescue on the Island raising over $56, 000 when our President, Jason Dubois, was stranded on an island until he raised his target goal of $50,000. Being in the transportation industry we are keenly aware of how important the STARS program is. The geographical expanse of our roadways, especially between rural communities, can seem endless in emergency situations. We have witnessed firsthand, the many opportunities where STARS can make the difference between life and death. Their quick reaction times and ability to provide on board emergency medical care makes STARS an invaluable asset for all Manitoba’s.
The Winnipeg Santa Claus Parade
Since 2013 Len Dubois Trucking has been teaming up with Energy 106 and kicking off the Santa Claus Parade with the Energy 106 Block Party on the corner of Portage and Main. Not only that, our second flat deck gets loaded full of sound equipment and transports the Energy 106 crew through the parade.
The Winnipeg Children’s Museum
Since 2011 Len Dubois Trucking has been making invaluable deliveries to the Winnipeg Children’s Museum as they change over their feature displays. The Children’s Museum exists to spark kids’ creative learning, imagination and knowledge. Being a part of this is our way of ensuring a stronger Winnipeg for the next generation.
Special Olympics Manitoba
Since 2009 Len Dubois Trucking has joined the largest convoy in Winnipeg in support of Special Olympics Manitoba. We are proud to be a part of the 5 mile long convoy by raising money through pledges. The money raised through entrance fees and pledges goes to support programs that offer quality sport training programs and competition to athletes with intellectual disabilities. Athletes are grouped according to their skill level, giving everyone the opportunity to participate, compete and win.
I just got off the phone with Monster Lawn Hydroseeding regarding their direct shipment for today. They said you could not have done a better job lining up the truck. The driver is actually 1 mile behind Monster Lawn as they are headed to the job site. Thanks so very, very much for your help with this order. I truly appreciate it!
I just wanted to let you know that Don has been nothing short of excellent to work with not only with this shipment but the previous one as well. 100% professional and kept me updated all the way thru the process from Start to finish. Thanks again
History of Len Dubois Trucking

Len Dubois grew up on a farm north of St. Claude, MB. He bought his first truck, an international tandem dump truck, at age 18 and began hauling gravel around southern Manitoba. Shortly after that Len was lured away by the big money of working up north in Flin Flon, MB on construction and operating a crane truck for two years but began to miss home and returned in 1975.
With the money he saved from working up north, Len purchased another truck and returned to hauling gravel for a couple of years. The gravel business was good to Len, but he wanted more, so in the summer of 1979 he bought a 1976 Western Star and leased on to a company called Carman Agra and began hauling grain and fertilizer across the Prairie Provinces and into Minnesota and North Dakota.
After about a year, he moved his truck to a company called Wade’s Grain, Feed and Fertilizer and began working there. Shortly after starting there, Len hired a driver and began working in the office as a dispatcher for Wade’s. During his employment with Wade’s, Len purchased a couple more trucks and operated 2 trucks at Wade’s and 1 truck at Midland Superior pulling a van trailer on a mail run to Edmonton, AB.
While working in the office and making the commute from St. Claude, MB to Headingley, MB for a few years, Len became tired of the two hour commute every day and decided to move closer. Len, Yvette and family moved to St Francois Xavier, MB in 1983, which is just west of Winnipeg, MB at the famous White Horse statue. Len and his family lived there until his sudden passing in 1998.
In 1986 after pulling a van trailer on that mail run for a short time, Len sold his 2 trucks that were on grain and went out and acquired his own running rights and began hauling for Domtar Packaging (now Norampac Inc.) with one truck to Saskatchewan and finding his own loads back. That account helped Len purchase a second truck again and that was the beginning of Len Dubois Trucking Inc. in the van trailer transportation business as we now know it today. Len operated his trucks strictly in Canada until 1996 when he acquired his U.S. operating rights and ventured into the U.S. market.
Today, Len Dubois Trucking Inc. operates 50+ company trucks and owner/operators in Manitoba. Travels are approximately 75% in the U.S., with hauling capabilities that include Full Truck Loads, Less than Truck Loads, Hazardous Materials, Special Commodities, Antiques, and pretty much whatever will fit in the trailer!